Adrien Young

Family Dynamics, Child Development, Health

A. Young

Welcome to Our Class!

Welcome back students!! I am excited to start this school year as a Conquistador. I am your new Family Consumer Science teacher. I will teach your Health, Family Dynamics, and Child Development courses. Each course is nine weeks, which means it is important to be focused and ready to learn. My goal is to help you all understand the importance of total health and wellness, creating and maintaining healthy relationships, and how to prepare and care for children. 





About the Teacher

Personal InfoI am a Mt. Pleasant, MS native. I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics from Ole Miss as well as a Master of Science in Health Promotion and Nutrition from Mississippi State. This is my 10th year as a Family Consumer Science teacher, nine of which spent at Potts Camp High School in Marshall County, MS.  My family and I enjoy sports as well as spending time together. 


For announcements and reminders, please join the following Reminds for your course:
